Monday, December 6, 2010

A Servant's Heart

I have a brother, his name Brian Cain. He is a husband, father, police officer and a pastor. Brian joined the Marine Corp shortly after he graduated highschool and became an MP while he served his country. After he finished serving his 4 years as a Marine, he went straight into law enforcement because he wanted to continue to make a difference in the community by serving the people. He went from serving a huge country, to serving a small community . He has been a police officer for several departments, but his love for serving people has never changed. As he's grown through different ranks (he is now a Seargent), he's also grown in his faith with God. He started a ministry directed towards law enforcement and started teaching cops about Jesus.
He started Code 4 Ministries a little over a year ago. The people in law enforcement are one of the largest groups in the country who don't attend church on a regular basis, he wanted to change that. Brian has been a cop for a number of years and has built relationships with other police officers with whom he has served with (let's just say he knows their biggest hurts, hangups and habits in life). He knows what their going through, that is why he started this police ministry, to show they can change their lifestyles by knowing and loving Jesus. He has created a relaxing "non church" environment for cops to come and hear how they can look to God to help them through their troubling times.
I'm not a cop, but I've attended and supported every meeting he has had to date. I'll never forget his first sermon - Ephesians 6:10-20 The Whole Armor of God. Wow. Brian used several pieces of equipment that a police officer uses on an every day basis to illustrate how each piece directly relates to The Whole Armor of God in the Bible. I think every cop in there was stunned after hearing that message. That got the ball rolling for Code 4.
But starting a police ministry was not enough for Brian, meeting once a month was awesome, but he knew it was not enough to reach lost cops. He set out on a mission to collect and distribute 500 Police Officer Bibles to the law enforcement community in Cherokee County by Christmas. That is a huge task. He doesn't have the money to buy all of them, so he has been reaching out to the community to help him reach this goal. Brian has had several donated already, but he is a long way from reaching that monumental task.
I'm proud of my brother. His walk with Christ is inspiring. The sacrafices he makes each month to share the Gospel with his fellow police officers just simply blows me away.
Christmas is almost here and I'm sure that every person who reads this has a family member or friend who knows a cop or someone in some type of law enforcement. If you or someone you know would like to make a difference in the life of a cop by sharing the Gospel, please check out his website with all of the information
Just to get an idea of what Code 4 Ministries is about, go to When you visit the website, check out the logo, I personally know the guy who designed it (me).
Thank you for having a servant's heart Brian, I love doing life with you. Love ya bro.