Sunday, January 9, 2011

A New Year

2010 was an amazing year in my life. Our company landed a huge job at Georgia Tech, I became an uncle (again), I had the privelage to help baptize my son Brandon, I also had the opportunity to baptize my friend Chase, I became the leader of Revolution Church's Parking Team, I went to a couple of leadership conferences with my church family, I helped another church's parking team in a different state, I developed new friendships, I signed up to go on a mission trip to Haiti in April of 2011. That just names a few of the great things I got to do last year. But there's one problem with all of these things mentioned, the word "I".
"I" had a lot of things happen to "me". God blessed me with all of those things that happened in my life last year along with all of the people "I" did those things with. 2010 seemed like it was an "I" kind of year and "I" am thankful for what God did in my life last year, He carried me through it. But "I"m going to make an effort in 2011 to take everthing "I" have learned and apply it to the lives of others. It's time to give back to God and use what I have received from him.
My first test from God started Thursday. The company I work for has been generous with my bonus check every year for the past 15 years. This year they were buying me a 3D tv, 3D Blu-Ray player and 3D glasses for my bonus ($1800). AWESOME! I mentioned earlier that I signed up for a mission trip to Haiti, I had no idea how I was going to pay for it ($1500). All I knew was that I could trust God to get me there. He really worked my heart the day I found out what my bonus was, so I sat still and listened. I asked my bosses if I could use the money they were going to spend on all that "stuff", to pay for my trip to Haiti. They said yes. I don't know how I can help the people of Haiti on the mission trip yet, but I know I'm willing to give up a "luxury" for me to spread the gospel about Jesus to them. Some people might think I'm crazy for doing this. I don't care. I know what God has done for me in my life and I want people who don't know Jesus to have their own amazing relationship with Him.
I read a book last year called "Radical" by David Platt, it is an awesome book that I recommend everyone to read. The book will change the way you see how you are impacting other people's lives. There were several things that caught my attention while reading it, but one sentence really caught my interest - "Every saved person this side of heaven owes the gospel to every lost person this side of hell". I want to share with people what has been shared with me. The 3D tv can wait.
2011 is "A New Year",a time for change, I can't wait to see how God is going to move in my life this year and use all the things He grew me with in 2010 to help others this year. I don't know what 2011 will bring yet, all I know is that God has a plan for my life and I trust Him to guide my steps "in the meantime".

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